The Rural Planning Handbook (ISBN 9781916491809) aims to provide a basic introduction to more or less everything that someone wanting to live a modest, sustainable, land-based existence in the English countryside might need to know about the planning system. It is designed to help small farmers, smallholders, forestry workers, permaculturists, low impact builders, caravan dwellers and low income people facing planning applications, appeals and enforcement on land in the countryside where they live or work.
Click the link below to look at the contents page and read the introduction (opens in pdf):
Where to buy
You can buy single copies online here from the wonderful (and independent) Central Books.
Trade orders can also be arranged through Central Books.
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If you wish to pay by cheque or BACS, you can do so by ordering from Simon Farlie at Monkton Wylde.
More info here.
It is also available on Amazon.
The Power of Outdoor Learning (ISBN – 9780957660304) is an incredible resource for schools, colleges, outdoor learning centres and community organisations: 107 lesson plans and projects that take the curriculum outdoors, encouraging skills development, team building and problem solving. A unique fusion of academic, physical and spiritual development covering English, Maths, Art, Technology and Forest School.
Click the link below to look at the contents page (opens in pdf):
Where to buy
Coming soon to the wonderful (and independent) Central Books.
Trade orders can also be arranged through Central Books.
If you wish to support your local bookshop they can order you a copy.
It is also available on Amazon.